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 General Rules and FAQs

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Posts : 78
Join date : 2010-09-23

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PostSubject: General Rules and FAQs   General Rules and FAQs I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 12:23 pm

flower General RULES and FAQS flower

Ohhh mann...it's so BORING!

Please waste at least five minutes of your time to read this general guide about this forum, especially those who are still noobs. For experienced forum member/ user, don't worry about special rules because basically it's the same with other forum's basic rules.

Administration team doesn't force you to read this, but we will think that every member has read and understood the rules. We will give you a warning or ban you if you didn't comply any of these rules; to be fair, the administration team will also comply with these rules also and give good examples.

If you want to ask any question, please read the FAQs first; and please please pleaaassee don't PM the admin or the mods about the rules. There's already a post for you to post questions; questions that are already listed in the FAQs will be deleted/ ignored.

  1. Introduction
  2. General Rules
  3. FAQs

Last edited by maria168 on Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:49 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: General Rules and FAQs   General Rules and FAQs I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 12:57 pm

pig 1. Introduction pig

Hmmm...? So what's this forum about?
JayKo is a non-profit forum where we can meet those who are similar to us: KOREAN and JAPAN lovers! This forum is free for anyone from all over the world to join. The most important thing to do in this forum is: HAVE FUN but RESPECTFUL.

You can talk about anything that you like, have fun with others, but stay on the subject! Please respect other members too; how? That's the reason the GENERAL RULES is all about! If you're lazy to read, just remember these points:
  1. Respect others.
  2. Read the General FAQs if you're confused about something in this forum. If your can't find the answer yet, you can post the question in Critics, Suggestions and Questions.
  3. If you have a personal problem related to the forum, tell the admin or the mod(s), we will try to help you.
  4. If you think a member is being disrespectful or disturb this peaceful forum, report it to the admin or the mods.
  5. Think this forum as your home! Keep it clean, peaceful and hospitalize! You can invite your friends if you want to, we will gladly accept them.
  6. Don't make any clash in this forum, please read point number two! Or please talk about personal problems through PMs.
  7. No SPAM, junk, OOT, or multiple posts allowed.
  8. Don't give us any hard time dealing with your wild side. But it doesn't mean you can't do it, as said before, just HAVE FUN!

If you disobey any of the rules, we will give you a notice through your PM. Come on, we're not that cruel to just give you a warn/ ban yet.

Last edited by maria168 on Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:49 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: General Rules and FAQs   General Rules and FAQs I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 1:17 pm

affraid 2. General Rules affraid

If you don't want to waste your time, please at least quick read these rules Exclamation
  1. No Junk.
  2. No OOT.
  3. No multiple posts.
  4. No SPAM.
  5. No bad words or swearing, especially to other members.
  6. No offensive words if you dislike a topic, remember: we are not forcing you to be active in every topic. Please, respect those who like the topic.
  7. Please create a new topic on the right forum topic or we will move it. If you do it numerous times we will warn you, otherwise ask us first before posting it.
  8. It's not a must, but please at least introduce yourself if you're a new member. We want to know about you! Very Happy
  9. If you think it's necessary to create a new group/ sub-forum, PM the admin (for now).
  10. All suggestions are accepted, but it may take time for us to decide whether to use it or not.
  11. If you need a counseling time, talk to us, we may gladly help your problem.
  12. If you're posting a news, article, information, shares, etc, please state the sources where you find it.
  13. Forum description may not specific enough to tell about a forum content and the rules, so please read the rules for every forum/ sub-forum (if exist).
  14. It's not prohibited for members to sell or promote something, but please stay on forum topic (ex: if you want to sell Korean merchandises, please do it in Korean forums).
  15. Fan projects are not prohibited, but please state the copyright or the original publisher. Please write "PLEASE BUY THE ORIGINAL ONE" in the project topic. This kind of topic also has to stay on forum topic.
  16. Before you post any new topic, make sure you use the browse feature in order to prevent double topic.
  17. No posting about adult materials please!

That's all for now, any update will be announced.

Last edited by maria168 on Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:13 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Posts : 78
Join date : 2010-09-23

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PostSubject: Re: General Rules and FAQs   General Rules and FAQs I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 1:34 pm

Question 3. FAQs Question

You can be confused about the content of the forums, please read these Frequently Asked Questions first! Well, it's not frequently but it's still can help you.

If you need answers for general questions, you can go to the general FAQs about this forum, provided by the forum publisher.

Q1: Why this forum is named JayKo Paradise?
A1: Jay for Japanese, Ko for Korean; generally this forum is to talk about Japanese and Korean stuffs, therefore it's called a paradise of Japanese and Korean stuffs. Why Jay not Jap or Jay? Because it's friendlier and easier to be called JayKo (jeiko) than Jako or Japko, just remember we're not a forum to talk about J. Co Razz it doesn't have anything to do with that donuts and coffee franchise Laughing

Q2: Why not Asian Paradise?
A2: We specialize ourselves in talking about Japanese and Korean stuffs ONLY Exclamation If it's Asian, then the context is more general and there's a topic about Chinese stuffs or other Asian country stuffs. BUT, please remember that we're not prohibiting our members to talk about other things beside Korean and Japanese, but please do it in the right section of this forum.

Q3: I'm a noob! Where to start?
A3: Please read the General Rules.

Q4: I want to do a contribution to this forum but I don't know how.
A4: PM the admin/ mods.

Q5: I want to start a project, is it allowed?
A5: If you want to start one, it's still allowed but please read the General Rules first. It's not a must but you can add our forum name in the project credits. If you require any help, please PM the admin/ mods.

Q6: You said I can't use bad words or swearing, can't I use slanguage?
Q6: As long as it's proper and not offensive, it's still allowed.

Q7: I want to increase my post count rapidly, but some of the topics and rules are restrictive, what should I do?
A7: Remember that you can still post a new topic about things that you like/ want to share, as long as it's still complied with the General Rules.

Q8: How do I add an avatar?
Q8: Click on your profile tab then click the avatar tab. You will see a form to upload your avatar. If you're still confused read this FAQ and see the "User Preferences and settings" section.

Q9: What's featured?
Q9: Featured consists of featured member or projects or photos related to this forum. Read one of the featured topic if you're confused. Featured can also be related to forum contests.

Q10: Can I be featured too? How?
Q10: YES, you can be featured in this forum by doing a contribution like quality suggestions or critics. If you're doing a project and want to be featured too, please tell the admin and give a credit to this forum in your fan project (for ex: more AKB48 fan projects, visit JayKo Paradise: http://jekopan.omgforum.net/forum.htm).

That's all for now, any update will be announced.
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PostSubject: Re: General Rules and FAQs   General Rules and FAQs I_icon_minitime

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